Spendthrifts Marrying Tightwads
Maybe you have always been a little uncomfortable about how much money you spend. So it’s not surprising that you will attracted a tightwad. You perhaps will assume that this person will help you rein in your carefree use of credit cards. But be careful.
Recent research from University of Michigan, University of Pennsylvania and Northwestern University suggest that your marriage maybe headed for some genuine unhappiness. One of the biggest bones of marital contention centers around, you guessed it, money. Particularly in these times of economic crisis, arguments about who gets to control the money can be quite intense.
Couples need to talk about their expectations around money. How much do you intend to save for a house, children’s college or retirement
When do you put the brakes on? Is it only after you have maxed all credit cards? Is it only when your cash available dips below 30,000? Do you touch the principle or do you blow through inherited money because it’s there?
Discussions about long term plans for retirement, about your parents style of saving , or how much either of you are in debt can be one of the most important conversations to have before walking down the aisle. If you know how to confront each other and find win-win solutions, you can deal with polar opposites in spending habits. If not, you may want to find someone who naturally thinks about money in a way similar to yours. See the NY Times article: