Frequently Asked Questions

Can I set up a session immediately?
Yes, just call my cell phone at 914 548 8645 or shoot me an email at and I will respond within 24 hours or sooner.

Do I come alone or with my partner?
It’s best that you attend at least the first session together. By beginning together, I can get a sense of your personalities individually and as a couple. However, if your partner is not yet willing to come, perhaps he or she will join later.

I am afraid marriage counseling will make my marriage worse, how can I trust that it will be helpful?
I can appreciate this concern. All I can say is, give it a try. From my 40 years of experience, I know that marriage counseling works. I have seen countless couples go from loveless marriages to loving marriages. Just trust that your marriage can transform if you find the right person to help you.

Would it be better to come now, or wait until things get worse?
Call while you are feeling the concern. Couples sometimes wait up to seven years before making that first call. Just know if things do get worse with time it will be harder to salvage.

What if my partner does not want to come in?
If you come alone, you will still reap the benefits of therapy. You can learn to change your contribution to the marital issues. When your partner sees the change in you, he/she will be more open to coming to therapy as well.e.