5 Things Your Man Doesn’t Understand But Could If You Do This

Woman looking off wondering what she can do to help her man understand her better.

Do you ever feel like your  man doesn’t understand you.  Maybe you feel frustrated because he just seems dense.  Things that seem obvious to you don’t seem to occur you to him.  As a premarital marriage counselor in New York City and in Westchester County, I have worked with couples for over forty years. I […]

Keep Your Talking from Turning Into Fighting with This Three Step Plan

Repair your busted communication techniques with these 3 steps to save your marriage relationship. Do you ever try to talk to your partner about an important issue and suddenly the conversation derails? Your partner feels attacked and withdraws to his inner-cave (or even physically to another room). Meanwhile, you wind up feeling like someone stabbed you just for […]

How to Make Your Partner Feel Fabulous

Think back over the past few weeks.  If you added up the sum of positive interactions with your beloved, how high would they be compared to the negative ones? Passing by you, did your partner hear an “I love you?” or was it a comment about something he had forgotten to do.  As you drifted […]